Tiffin Glass Museum
and Shoppe
27 S Washington St., Tiffin, OH 44883
Visit our museum and shoppe Wednesday-Saturday 12-4
February - December
The Tiffin Glass Collectors Club is a non-profit corporation with tax exempt status which was established in 1985 to study the history of Tiffin Glass, known as Factory R of the United States Glass Company, and the glassware manufactured there.
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM at the Tiffin Glass Museum. Club meetings consist of a business meeting followed by a program on a topic of interest to the collectors. We close with Glass Show and Tell and a social hour. Meetings are open to the public and guests are made welcome.
The Club has members from all over the United States. A club newsletter is published twice yearly for members and features glass articles, photos, historical data and other information of interest to collectors.
Dues are $25.00 a year per person and $15 for another in the household.
Activities of the Tiffin Glass Collectors include the glass show held in June, a summer picnic and fundraisers which benefit our Tiffin Glass Museum.